A world where every woman, regardless of her background,
has the ability to thrive and make empowered decisions.
Kokoodzi is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering Ghanaian women and girls through comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education, along with sustainable solutions.
We believe that education is the first step to autonomy. By providing essential informations and resources, we enable women and girls to make informed choices about their bodies and health, ultimately taking control of their lives.
An integrant component of our mission is the production and distribution of reusable menstrual pads. While we source fabrics globally, our products are designed and sewed locally by skilled artisans. This approach ensures both durability and economic development within the communities we serve.
Through community-based initiatives, we aim to create a supportive ecosystem where every woman and girl feels empowered.
Our work is aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
A world where every woman owns her choices, empowered by knowledge
and resources to confidently navigate her sexual and reproductive health.
One period at a time.
From Kokoodzi's perspective, menstruation is more than a biological process: it's a powerful symbol of women's health and well-being.
Just as a healthy menstrual cycle is foundational to a woman's overall health, this project lays the groundwork for Kokoodzi's future initiatives.
By focusing on menstrual health first, we aim to:
Through this project, we are committed to transform the dialogue around menstruation from a taboo issue to broader sexual and reproductive health topics.
We aim to build
the foundation for a brighter future, one period at a time.